
Privacy policy

Mykollege Privacy Policy

Here's an explanation of our privacy policy at Mykollege:

Overview of the Privacy Policy: At Mykollege, we manage, moderate, and operate this website, including its mobile versions and applications. This document outlines how we use the data and information collected from users. Please note that this privacy policy applies specifically to Mykollege and not to any websites linked through it. For information on linked websites, please refer to their respective privacy documents.

Privacy of Users below 13 Years of Age: Our website is not intended for users below 13 years of age, and we do not knowingly collect data from individuals below this age. If we discover any such information, we will promptly delete it.

Cookies and IP Tracking Policy: In addition to content, our website collects non-personally identifiable data such as IP addresses and cookies. This data includes search history, submitted queries, educational interests, date and time of visits, domains, and responses to advertisements. We may also use conversion pixels to track user behavior on our leads collection form as part of our business operations.

Information Collected by the Website: We collect and store data submitted by users, including information requested from third-party sources listed on our website. This data may be shared with respective institutes to fulfill user requests, and its privacy is governed by mutual agreements between sources and users. Methods of data collection on Mykollege include:

Contact Forms: These forms simplify data presentation by collecting user interests, educational qualifications, and age.

Login/Sign-up: By creating a user account, visitors agree to our terms and conditions, allowing us to analyze trends based on collected data and forward it to educational service providers. Users also agree to receive SMS and emails containing information on exams and courses they apply for, as well as related exams and courses.

Testimonials: Testimonials provided by users may be publicly displayed and shared with our clients.

Forums: Views posted on forums and our comment section are the property of Mykollege.com and provide valuable insights into consumer thought processes.

Opt-in Mails and Other Ways to Use Data by the Company: We may use data collected through the website in various ways, including:

Opt-in Mails: Users who opt for newsletters or notifications on admission processes and entrance tests may receive customized emails. Users can unsubscribe from this service at any time.

Feedback: We may contact visitors or users for feedback on new features or services.

Geographical Data: We use geographical or demographic data to provide location-specific customized information.

Cookies and IP data are used to provide the most relevant search results.

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us.

Opt-in Mails- Company sends customized mails on the users opting for newsletters or notification on admission process and entrance tests. Users can anytime unsubscribe from the service

Feedbacks: The Company may contact its visitors or users for feedback on any new feature or services.

Geographical Data: we use geographical or demographical data to provide location wise customized data. d. Cookies and IP data are used to provide most relevant results through search


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